If ElseIn all programming languages comparisons form the basis for flow control. Conditional statements are used to perform different actions based on different conditions. In Miva Script we have the following conditional statements
SyntaxExample:<MvIF EXPR = "{ condition }"> Execute the code here if this condition is true, otherwise skip it. </MvIF> In this example the code executed branches based on the system clocks current hour of the day, where LT means Less Than. See Operators Example:<MvIF EXPR = "{ s.tm_hour LT 12 }"> Good Morning.<br> <MvELSE> Good Afternoon.<br> </MvIF> Multiple conditions can be used to determine which of several block s of code to execute. Example:<MvIF EXPR = "{ g.month LE 3 }"> First Quarter.<br> <MvELSEIF EXPR="{ g.month LE 6 }"> Second Quarter.<br> <MvELSEIF EXPR="{ g.month LE 9 }"> Third Quarter.<br> <MvELSE> Fourth Quarter.<br> </MvIF> Nested ConditionalsYou can nest <MvIF> tags--that is, enclose one inside another. You must make sure that each <MvIF> tag has a corresponding </MvIF> end-tag. Indenting nested tags is not required but it makes your code more readable. Example:<MvIF EXPR="{age GE 17}"> This person may be eligible to drive a motor vehicle.<br> <MvIF EXPR="{age GT 80}"> This person requires a re-examination.<br> </MvIF> The license fee is $40.75.<br> </MvIF>