crypto_base64_decode( data )
Decodes and returns Base-64 decodes data.
Returns the decrypted data
- data = the information to decode
decodeattribute( attribute )
Returns a copy of string (which is usually a URL) converted from URL-encoded format to ordinary text. This function is the opposite of encodeattribute.
Returns the results as a URL-decoded string.
decodeentities( string )
Returns a copy of string in which all HTML entities have been converted to their plain text equivalents (for example, & is converted to &). This function is the opposite of encodeentities.
Returns an entity decoded string.
encodeattribute( attribute )
Returns a copy of string (which is usually a URI or part of an URI ) in URI-encoded format.
Special characters such as space, tilde (~), and the plus sign are converted to hexadecimal
%nn format. This function is the opposite of decodeattribute.
Returns a URI encoded string
encodeentities( string )
Returns a copy of string in which all characters have been converted to their HTML entity equivalents, where applicable (for example, & is converted to "&"). This function is the opposite of decodeentities.
Returns an entity encoded string.
encodejavascriptstring( string )
Encodes "string" in a format suitable for use inside a JavaScript quoted string declaration,
honoring the current character set.
Returns the encoded string.
- string = the string that will be encoded.
miva_cdata_encode( text )
Create one or more CDATA tags with the provided text, splitting any data with "]]>" into two CDATA tags with "]]" at the end of one CDATA tag, and ">" as the first value of the next CDATA tag.
Return value: Text quoted within one or more CDATA tags.
miva_csv_encode( text, delimiter )
Takes a string of text and a delimiter, and returns a string with appropriately doubled quotes or escaped delimiters, suitable for including in a CSV record.
Returns: An appropriately escaped or quoted string, or a copy of the original string if no quotes or delimiters were found.
- text = String to escape
- delimiter = separation character (for example, a "," for a comma-separated list).
miva_hex_decode( data )
Convert "data" to hexadecimal notation.
returns the resulting decoded data
- data = the hex data to decode.
miva_hex_encode( data )
Convert "data" to hexadecimal notation.
returns the resulting encoded data.
- data = the value to encode.
miva_html_strip( text, allowed_tags )
Removes HTML tags from a given string.
Return value: Text string with all HTML tags except those listed in allowed_tags removed.
- text = String to remove HTML tags from.
allowed_tags = A comma-separated list of tags that will not be stripped from the string.
miva_json_decode( data, output var )
Decodes a block of JSON data in "data", returning the parsed aggregate value in "output".
Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.
- data = The block of JSON encoded data that will be decoded
- output var = The function assigns the parsed aggregate to "output" as a structured array.
Returns a text description of the most recent parsing error encountered by miva_json_decode()
Returns a text description of the most recent parsing error.