Runs an SQL query that does not return any results, such as an create, update, delete, or insert.
If NAME is omitted, the query applies to the primary database. This must be an xBase3 or MySQL data source. SQL queries that return results are handled by first opening a view with <MvOPENVIEW>. A view is a collection of database records retrieved by a particular SQL query. Attributes
ExamplesThis query updates a records in the Products table in the Merchant database. Example:<MvOPEN NAME = "Merchant" DATABASE = "mydatabasefile@localhost" TYPE = "mysql" USERNAME = "{ l.username }" PASSWORD = "{ l.password }"> <MvQUERY NAME = "Merchant" QUERY = "{ 'UPDATE Products SET name = ? WHERE id = ?' }" FIELDS = "l.name, l.product_id">