Returns program flow to the top of the
ExampleThis examples loops through and displays email messages . The <MvPOPCONTINUE> tag is used to skip displaying messages if they return true from a user defined function called SpamFilter(). Example:<MvPOP MAILHOST="mail.my_isp.com" LOGIN="my_userid" PASSWORD="pa55w0rd" DIRECTORY="mymail"> <MvCOMMENT> filter out spam </MvCOMMENT> <MvIF EXPR="{ SpamFilter(messagesender, messagesubject, messagebody, messagereplyto) }"> <MvPOPCONTINUE> </MvIF> <p>You received mail from: <MvEVAL EXPR="{messagesender}">.<br> This mail is about: <MvEVAL EXPR="{messagesubject}">.<br> This mail was sent on: <MvEVAL EXPR="{messagedate}">.<br> I stored this mail in the file: <MvEVAL EXPR="{messagebody}">.<br> You can reply to: <MvEVAL EXPR="{messagereplyto}">. </p> </MvPOP>