Opens an SQL VIEW on the NAMEed database based on the results of the query string.
ExamplesThis examples Opens a MySQL database, Opens a view that selects a particular table and record based on a product_code. Notice: The records are accessed using the VIEW name (e.g. <MvOPENVIEW VIEW="Products"...) instead of the name used in the MvOpen Tag. (e.g. <MvOPEN NAME = "Merchant"... ). Example:<MvOPEN NAME = "Merchant" DATABASE = "mydatabasefile@localhost" TYPE = "mysql" USERNAME = "{ l.username }" PASSWORD = "{ l.password }"> <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.query" VALUE = "{ 'SELECT * FROM Products WHERE code = ?' }"> <MvOPENVIEW NAME = "Merchant" VIEW = "Products" QUERY = "{ l.query }" FIELDS = "l.product_code"> <MvEVAL EXPR="{ 'Product Code: ' $ Products.d.code $ ' <br>' }"> <MvEVAL EXPR="{ 'Product Name: ' $ Products.d.name $ ' <br>' }"> In this example all active products are displayed in code order. Example:<MvASSIGN NAME = "l.query" VALUE = "{ 'SELECT * FROM Products WHERE active = 1 ORDER BY code ASC' }"> <MvOPENVIEW NAME = "Merchant" VIEW = "Products" QUERY = "{ l.query }"> <MvWHILE EXPR = "{ NOT Products.d.EOF }"> <MvASSIGN NAME = "l.product_count" VALUE = "{ l.product_count + 1 }"> <MvEVAL EXPR="{ 'Product Code: ' $ Products.d.code $ ', ' }"> <MvEVAL EXPR="{ 'Product Name: ' $ Products.d.name $ ' <br>' }"> <MvSKIP NAME = "Merchant" VIEW = "Products" ROWS = 1> </MvWHILE>